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The Snow Goose is a white-bodied goose with black wingtips that are barely visible on the ground but noticeable in flight. The pink bill has a dark line along it, often called a "grinning patch" or "black lips."
@Ruthiebear: Thanks, Ruthie.
@DeviThat: Thank you, Devi.
@Steven: Thanks, Steven.
@Shaun: Thank you, Shaun.
@Willem: Thanks, Willem.
@Marjolein: Thank you, Marjolein.
@Marjolein: Thanks, Marjolein.
@Elaine Hancock: Thanks, Elaine. If you look close, there is one imposter in there. ;-)
@Gérard: Thank you, Gérard.
@Michael Rawluk: Thanks, Michael.
@Babzy: Thank you.
@Mhelene: Thanks, Mhelene.
@suzanne: Thank you, Suzanne.
@mo.langel: Thanks so much.
@Le Krop: Thank you, Le Krop.
@Ana Lúcia: Thank you, Ana.
@pascale: Thank you.
@Sam: Thanks, Sam.
@Linda Candilas: Thank you, Linda.